Welcome to the Moments of Mindfulness #2...
Each month, we'll send you a gentle reminder to take some time out from the chaos to regain some calm, take back control and rejuvenate yourself.
This month is all about confidence - something we all need a bit more of, right? Leaving all judgement and cynicism behind, we'd love for you to try a
21 Day Affirmation Challenge with us.
Affirmations are proven to be a powerful tool for reframing your perception of yourself and your abilities long term and help you overcome self-sabotaging beliefs. For only 7 minutes every morning, the lasting impact of these affirmations will have you feeling and acting more assured, assertive and confident.
What have you got to lose?
The podcast itself begins at 01:00 if you'd like to skip forward.
We believe in the importance of minding your mind and want to help you explore practical ways of de-stressing that you can implement into your everyday. If you do nothing else today, take just a ten minute break - the world won't burn down! - and enjoy a cup of tea, glass of water or some fresh air outside. You'll feel all the better for it.
We'd invite you to connect with other founders at a similar stage to you, even if it's just for a shoulder to lean on in hard times or a pat on the back in good times. The Raise family sit on Slack. You should join us.
If this moment of mindfulness has resonated with you and you feel it would benefit others, please share with them and invite them to join the movement.
Take care,
Your friends at Raise

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