In the Summer of 2022, we pioneered our first ever Emerging Leaders Summer School. It came from the belief that building sustainable foundations rooted in your own wellbeing is the key to achieving and sustaining success. Getting the business side of things right isn't enough sometimes, with the overwhelming pressure and risk of burnout around the corner. We wanted to embed balance, wellbeing and resilience into founders' mindsets right from day one, to set them up for sustainable future success.

So we brought together founders every Friday for 8 weeks, blending practical workshops on resilience, imposter syndrome, motivation and dreaming big - amongst others - with the grounding of wellness activities such as hiking, yoga, meditation and sea swimming.

Why did we do it?

We wanted entrepreneurial individuals to uncover their authentic inner leader and step into their role with confidence, equipped with the right toolkit to do so. Us folk in Northern Ireland tend to play it small, don't we? We underestimate our own power as influential leaders. So we wanted to help evolve that mindset.

It was also about connecting those on the same path, creating a sense of community, a sounding board in the formative stages to create learnings amongst business owners, directors and CEOs. It also gave people a chance to explore new ways to disconnect from the everyday chaos with breathwork classes, meditation, yoga and much more.

A huge thank you to our partners, particularly Ciarán May of Natural Resilience, Philip Brady and Caoilfhionn Buckley alongside our sponsors Connected Health, Seedlegals and CoreSystems for making the programme a success.

Summer School 2023 pending!

Individuals at an office desk clapping